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Veterans and Millitary Special Offer

Freedom is never free, In memory of many, In honor of all

Seventy years ago, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed what many historians consider the greatest social legislation ever passed by the U.S. Congress. As popular as the GI Bill remains today, it took the horrific cost and bloodshed of World War II to remind many Americans just how great a debt is owed to our veterans. Most Americans profess to truly love our veterans, especially at gatherings like this on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. And while their feelings are usually sincere, it is important to remember that veterans are defending us 365 days a year. The heroism that has been demonstrated time and again by veterans from the American Revolution to the Global War on Terrorism is sometimes unnoticed by those of us who enjoy the security that their sacrifice has provided. Let's Remember those who defend our nation not only today, but EVERYDAY!

We would like to offer 15% off all over ther counter purchases thru the end of 2014 to the Veterans and Military who allow us the Freedom we seldom take forgranted.

The Freedom to "Be All You Can Be". The opportunity to work hard to better yourself and your family. The offer of a hand up instead of a hand out.

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